Sobre Nosotros

Easy Engineering Magazine

Buying guide of Pek Automotive, special-purpose electrical vehicles

Pek Automotive d.o.o has been featured in Easy Engineering Magazine

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Su AgroNotizie

Robot agricolo polivalente

Slopehelper, il robot agricolo polivalente di Pek Automotive che rivoluziona le lavorazioni in vigneto e frutteto

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Industrijska revolucija v kmetijstvu: SlopeHelper in AgileHelper

Revija Finance je napisala o SlopeHelper in AgileHelper sta odličen primer ciljev 5. industrijske revolucije v kmetijstvu.

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The Slovenia Times

Pek Automotive Facility’s Grand Opening Day in Logatec

The Slovenia Times wrote about Grand Opening Event of Pek Automotive Facility.

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Slovenska tiskovna agencija

Opening Day Ceremony of Pek Automotive Facility in Logatec

Slovenska tiskovna agencija wrote about Grand Opening Event of Pek Automotive Facility.

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Slovenske Novice

Slopehelper and Agilehelper have been featured in Slovene magazine Slovenske Novice

Slovenske Novice wrote about agricultural robots for vineyards and orchards.

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Grand Opening

Grand Opening Day of Pek Automotive Facility in Logatec

Slovenske Novice wrote about Grand Opening Event of Pek Automotive Facility.

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FIRA 2024

Slopehelper and Agilehelper have been featured in French Agricultural magazine following FIRA 2024

Dossier robotique wrote about robots – allies in the making.

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MAD macchineagricoledomani

Slopehelper sistema robotizzato polivalente (IT)

Mad Macchineagricoledomani wrote about Autonomous Robotic Agricultural System – Slopehelper.

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