
Kmetijski glas

Slopehelper – autonomous vehicle for vineyards (SLO)

The Vrhnika-based company PeK AUTOMOTIVE doo is developing an electric autonomous vehicle (tractor) Slopehelper, intended for viticulture and fruit growing, and is testing it in the vineyards of Urban Petrič. The Slopehelper is equipped with various sensors that allow autonomous control of the vehicle. It has built-in encoders (incremental encoders), front and rear position radars (mechanically rotating radars), and side radars to maintain the distance from the type of plantation and to control the side working connections. It also has a built-in accelerometer and a front camera with FPV. Radar units are constantly scanning the area where the Slopehelper is located. They allow locating objects (plants, trees, people, etc.) with a distance of up to 30 meters.

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Avtonomia v vinogradu\Autonomy in vineyards Slovenske novice (SLO)

The Slopehelper system is based on artificial intelligence using an algorithm to recognize and adapt to new situations. It adapts to the configuration of the species in the vineyard and performs work tasks autonomously. In essence, it uses radars to determine the position of species or the position of vine trunks. Then the computer itself drives the tractor around the vineyard.

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Slovenske novice

Po avtomobilih brez voznika prihaja traktor brez traktorista After driverless cars comes a tractor without a driver (SLO)

Petra Subic from ‘Slovenske novice’ is surprised by the possibilities of the Slopehelper in a vineyard.
The autonomous electrical robot Slopehelper can work with two types of hinged equipment attached to the front and the rear part of the vehicle. Of the vehicle runs on an obstacle, it stops and sends an alert message to the operator via TeroAit mobile application. Having finished the task, the Slopehelper parks its equipment and waits at the end of the last row to be taken to the charging station.

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Kmečki glas

Roboti v kmetijstvu\Robots in agriculture (SLO)

Tomaz Poje gives a short review of today’s robots for vineyards and orchards.(SLO)
Recently an autonomous electric robot Slopehelper was also officially presented to the professional public in Slovenia. It is a caterpillar version of an autonomous battery-powered electric vehicle. It will soon have a variety of hinged equipment produced for various tasks in the vineyard. So far, we have seen it working with a propeller mulcher, which is also electrically powered.

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Robotraktorji tudi pri nas\ Robotraktors are here SLOVENSKE NOVICE (SLO)

The Slovenian autonomous vehicle Slopehelper is being developed by Vrhnika company PeK AUTOMOTIVE doo It accumulates knowledge of experts from various European countries. So far, practical testing has been carried out in Vipava vineyard of Urban Petrič. Slopehelper is a caterpillar version of an autonomous vehicle. It is battery-powered. It will have various work attachments for tasks in the vineyard. So far, we’ve seen it working with a propeller mulcher, which also has an electric drive.

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TV show "Ljudje in Zemlja"

People and the earth on TV Slovenia (SLO)

Ljudje in Zemlja (People and Earth), a regular TV show on RTV Slovenia presents the Slopehelper to its viewers
On Radio and Television of Slovenija, Channel 1, Mikhail Kostkin, the founder of PeK Automotive, tells about the agricultural robot Slopehelper, the history of its development and its functionality. Urban Petrič, the owner of Petrič Winery from Vipavska valley, shares his impressions of testing the Slopehelper on his plantation.

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TV program "Better Land"

Slovenci napravili robota za poljoprivredu (slo)

Uroš Davidović, a popular Serbian TV presenter, tells about the Slopehelper on Serbian television In his TV program “Better Land”, Uroš Davidović shows some videos and tells about the autonomous electric robot Slopehelper working in vineyards and orchards.
He stresses out the electric power drive of the robot and praises the Slovenian company PeK Automotive for developing and building the agricultural vehicle with full autonomy.

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