
Slovenska kronika

Slovenska kronika, TV Slovenia (SLO)

Slovenska kronika, a regular TV show on RTV Slovenia presents the Slopehelper to its viewers.

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Slopehelper der perfekte Hilfsroboter (DE)

‘Südtiroler Landwirt’ published an article about the Slopehelper robot in an special edition dedicated to growing apples.
Slopehelper is a specially designed machine that can reduce the daily workload of humans and circumvent the need for in-depth technical knowledge or training. With this in mind, Slopehelper enters the agricultural market, offering not only the benefits of a tireless helper, but also the quality and precision of carefully planned work, without the need for constant supervision.

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Slovenske Novice

Prebežal iz Rusije in izumil traktor brez šoferja(SLO)

Slovenske Novice writes about Mikhail Kostkin, his path from Russia to Slovenia and the development of the Slopehelper system.
Barbara Pance follows the story of Dr. Mikhail Kostkin who developed the basis for the Slopehelper system in Russia, then moved to Slovenia after the aggression on Krim started in 2014. in Slovenia he applied his invention for use in vineyards and orchards resulting in a agricultlral system that negates the need for human work in the fields. The machine is now fully prepared for use and is on sale. It brings a much needed solution to many problems facing the modern farmer (lack of workforce, rise in production costs, ban of herbicides, etc.). Slopehelper is a simple machine that brings a solution to a really complex problem.

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Il trattore a guida autonoma Slopehelper ottimizza tempi e costi del ciclo produttivo in agricoltura (IT)

Agricultura.it writes about the Slopehelper system and its financial and performance advantages.
A Slovenian company Pek Automotive, one of the most advanced manufacturers of self-driving agricultural robots, has brought to the market a new system that allows to effectively combine the mechanization of agricultural operations with the advantage of a driverless tractor. With a wide range of operations, the system helps farmers reduce manpower by 90%.

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Peker Holdng, 2022’de yatırıma 4 koldan devam edecek (Tr)

Mr. Hasan Peker, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Peker Holding, shares his vision on the results of 2021 and the holding’s future plans for the coming years.
Thanks to excellent management, 2021 was a successful year for both Peker Holding and Peker Real Estate Investment Trust. In 2022 Hasan Peker anticipates successful development of all four sectors of the holding’s interest: real estate, tourism, technology, and insurance. In the field of autonomous agricultural robots, Mr. Peker expects further expansion on the markets of Italy, France and Slovenia. Building of a new factory in Slovenia will help these plans come true in the nearest future.

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Technology in the agricultural sector, a revolutionary scope (IT)

‘Milano Today’ and ‘Trento Today’ write about the connection the Slopehelper system provides between technological sector and agricultural sector.
PeK Automotive is a company that managed to find a solution of how to reduce manpower on a plantation while taking care of the environment. The innovative electric robot Slopehelper combines autonomy and low energy consumption. The ambition to innovate the agricultural sector is realized in a number of routine operations that cover the whole agricultural sector around the year.

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International wine challenge

From subs to vineyard robots

Chris Boiling shares his impressions after visiting an open-air demonstration of the Slopehelper agricultural system in the vineyard of Radgonske Gorice in Slovenia.
A team of Russian engineers, now based in Slovenia, has developed and built an electric autonomous agricultural vehicle that is capable of doing most of the labor-intensive jobs in vineyards and orchards:, such as mowing, mulching, harrowing, spraying, etc. The machine benefits are supported by multiple control options that are available through the PeK-developed TeroAir mobile application. All operations can be performed on slopes of up to 42°.

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Robotics and Automation News

‘Slopehelper’ robot ready to help out in vineyards and orchards (EN)

An article on ‘Robotics and Automation News’, a US based online platform dedicated to the latest news in the field of robotics technology, published a review of the Slopehelper autonomous robotic system.
The agricultural electric system Slopehelper performs most of the routine operations in vineyards and orchards, all-year round and in fully autonomous mode. While aiming at the local Slovenian market initially, the company has further expansion plans for the neighboring European countries, as well as overseas territories.

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Slopehelper is the Multipurpose Solution the Farming Industry Needs Now

Global Organization For Agricultural Robotics (GOFAR) publishes an article about the Slopehelper full cycle agricultural autonomous robotic system.
Slopehelper system presents a multitask solution that performs autonomous operations during the entire agricultural cycle in vineyards and orchards. The system can operate in all weather conditions including the harsh ones. The built-in feature of collecting big data right from the field makes it fully compliant with Agriculture 4.0 requirements. Further development is going to bring downscale versions of the Slopehelper system to the market.

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